Dear colleagues,
The UK government is currently carrying out a review of the EU’s competences, to understand what the EU does and how it affects the UK. The review has been broken down into a number of individual reports covering specific areas of EU competence. The review started in 2012 and will continue until the end of 2014.
Euclid Network (partner of INSITE and MD) made submissions on two themes- the single market and international development – for the first semester of the UK government’s Review of the Balance of Competences between the UK and the EU.
In the second semester one of the themes on which we propose to contribute is research and development and innovation. The specific questions in the call for evidence are attached and the full document is in the second semester list at . The set of questions is in two parts : impact on the UK national interest; and future opportunities and challenges.
Innovation is a specific topic within scope of this theme and the review will consider the impact of wider EU policies on research and innovation.
It would be helpful to hear from you if there are points that you would wish to see reflected in the submission which would be made to the UK government and published. Contributions from outside the UK are also welcome, especially in terms of best practices and failures from other EU countries.
My colleague Luisa ( from Euclid will attend the stakeholder event on the 8th of July. Please let us have your initial thoughts by Friday 5th July.
After the stakeholder event, Euclid shall put together a submission and, after testing points with you, meet the closing date of 6th August.
I hope you will contribute in influencing the UK government and the EU on research and innovation policies
Many thanks