The study of problems as diverse as global climate change and global financial crises is currently converging towards a new kind of research – Global Systems Science.
GSS builds on economics as well as on climatology, on history as well as on geography and on a variety of further disciplines. However, it is no attempt to renew the failed pursuit for a single unified science. It simply integrates insights and methods that are useful in studying global systems and develops them further for that purpose.
Important examples of global systems are:
- the energy, water and food supply systems
- the internet
- the global financial system
- the agents, resources and mechanisms involved in climate policy
- the web of military forces and relations
- globally spreading diseases
- the scientific community
GSS could not emerge without substantial advances in information and communication technology (ICT). The use of computer models, digitized data, and global virtual networks are vital for GSS, and GSS can provide a key domain for socially useful ICT developments.
Connected activities:
1st Open Global Systems Science Conference
Date: November 8th–10th, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
Connected Posts:
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Conference Presentations:
- Ilan Chabay – Models and Narratives in Global Systems Science
- David de Roure – Knowledge Infrastructure for Global Systems Science
- Ulf Dahlsten – Global Systems and The Challenges
- Martin Elsman – Domain Specific Languages
- Jeremy Gibbons – Dependable Modelling
- Zhangang Han – Human Machine Integrated Decision Making
- Colin Harrison – Information Society and Energy Addiction
- Johan Jeuring – Technology for Learning Modelling Languages
- Vittorio Loreto – Enhance environmental awareness through social information technologies
- Vittorio Loreto – Participation awareness and learning
- Per Oester – e-Science and European Grid Computing
- Michael Resch – Verification and Validation of Simulation Models
- David Tuckett – Minding the Markets
Conference Reports:
(see also