A Workshop about how to rescue global climate policy from its present impasse is scheduled at Arizona State University on February 3-4, 2014. The agenda is here.
The workshop is based on a reading list concerning the present state and future prospects of global climate policy. Most authors of the texts participate in the workshop:
Abbott_2013, Ashton_2012, Bodansky_2011, Gauchat_2012,
Jaeger_et_al_2012a, Jaeger_et_al_2012b, Klinsky_2013,
The link above for the Climate Policy Workshop “agenda” seems to be broken. It points at:
but that throws a 302 redirect and ends up back at the site home page.
Any help/advice would be appreciated. I’m also interested if there is any possibility for “remote” (teleconference etc.) participation in the workshop.
Thanks for your note. The link has been fixed, at least it works from my machine.
As for your interest in remote participation, we will definitely have a conversation around the topics of the workshop on this blog (see the homepage) in the weeks to come.