Unpacking Green Growth
A trans-continental conference
October 8-9 (Europe and US) 9-10 (China), 2014
Presentations & Material
The future of global economic growth raises a whole range of questions, including, but not limited to, purely economic ones. Will the successes in reducing global poverty continue? Will inequality within key economies continue to increase? Will global and local environmental disruption continue? In the face of these questions, green growth has been proposed as an appropriate strategy. The vision of billions of poor people achieving a decent standard of living while economic activities become a force of environmental enhancement rather than disruption is certainly attractive. But is it feasible? What experiences have been made so far? What obstacles, what risks should be expected? What alternatives do exist? On October 9-10, scholars and practitioners will meet in the US, China and Europe to share insights and discuss open questions about green growth. The three sub-events will be connected via Internet, and the conference as a whole shall help to develop the research needed to address global challenges like the one of green growth.
-> link to 'Preparatory Meeting', October 28-30, 2013 Beijing
I can not attend the Beijing preparatory conference in October 2013, but will try to participate in the blog discussions.
With reference to the post and the email I received about the 3rd conference, I am very much interested on the GSS developments, in particular for what concerns Natural Disasters. Unfortunately I’m not available for the preparatory meeting in October 2013, but I hope I may contribute to the conference with the outcomes of the EU-FP7 Project KULTURisk, which is about to end.