3rd Open Global Systems Science Conference
Beijing, October 2014
First Announcement and Call for Papers
In 2014, it will be time for GSS to go global. Therefore, the 3rd Open Global Systems Science Conference will take place in October 2014 in Beijing.
Moreover, there will be GSS initiatives in Europe
– including an annual CONNECT-GSS conference by projects financed by the EU’s DG CONNECT –,
in the US
– including a major complex adaptive systems conference with GSS as its main theme at Arizona State University –
and more. In particular, we will strengthen the links to the complexity science community.
The precise date of the 3rd open conference will be established on the basis of the constraints of people willing to play an active role in preparing it. A preparatory workshop will take place in Beijing, October 2013. This workshop will lead to a joint journal paper presenting GSS to the broader scientific community. Whoever is interested in participating in that workshop is kindly invited to express their interest in a
– mail to: 3rdOpenGSS@global-systems-science.org
– together with a 200 word abstract of an intended contribution to the 3rd Conference.
– The deadline for abstracts in view of the preparatory workshop is September 30, 2013.
– Abstracts for conference contributions are also warmly welcome from people who do not want to participate in the preparatory workshop.
– An extended deadline for abstracts submitted after the workshop will be announded at the end of the workshop.
The preliminary scientific committee consists of Guido Caldarelli (IMT Lucca), Carlo Jaeger (GCF Berlin and BNU Beijing), Antoine Mandel (Sorbonne Paris) and Ye Qian (BNU Beijing). It will be expanded after the preparatory workshop.
For a start, the structure of the 2014 conference will be based on the synthesis paper “GSS: Towards a Research Program for Global Systems Science”. That structure will be modified on the basis of the discussions at the preparatory workshop.
One interesting possibility would be to look more closely into the relation between the global narratives provided by scientists and narratives provided by artists. To make this a serious intellectual exercise, we could invite philosophers currently developing a fictionalist stance in the philosophy of mathematics (see e.g. Mary Leng’s Mathematics and Reality, Oxford UP 2010).
As usual, the debate leading to the 3d Open Global Systems Science Conference will take place on the GSS blog (www.global-systems-science.org).