GSS specific approach to the challenges of globalization and governance implies to consider together the multiple scales, the diversity of problem’ situations, and the integration and operationalisation throughout multiple levels and sectors. Although participation is often valued in the public debate and regulation frameworks, in practice it has limited impact, and the traditional governance models are very dominant. This session should question, based on a GSS perspective, which forms of participation could contribute to global governance, accounting for this local diversity, in a context of globalization. The GSS approach should lead to a new perspective in this as, ultimately, we are considering conditions for global participation models. We should address the issues relating globalization and citizens’ engagement, in terms of conditions, constraints and aims, but also the methods and tools, with a specific attention on the role of ICT.
5 entry questions are proposed for discussion :
1. How can GSS and the related policy processes deal with local diversity in a context of globalization, through participation or other forms of common but adaptive governance ?
2. Can global unequity, potential violence, and the balance between the rights and responsibilities of various societies be addressed via new forms of participation, coordinated between levels ?
3. Which forms of global education and awareness making about global systems can contribute to better governance and motivate change ?
4. How can participation at local and meso level help organizing different structures for global networks, fostering win-win solutions, and dealing with new forms of risk derive from globalization?
5. Which tools can actually contribute to support citizen engagement in GSS, either direct methods or protocols, or computer / internet based solutions, with new actors-sensors approach, civil-science, participatory science, distributed models and games ?
Key questions addressed are summarized in the following concept tree.
Issues addressed in the discussion
- Pb : awaraness and willingness of public to be involved to address & solve global issue à try to design tools to improve this -> volunteer GIS
- Take into account the diversity of individual situation -> create a win-win situation à complex network models to account for this diversity.
- Global trade system -> develop trade -> how the disasters or political risk can influence global trade system
- Global urbanization -> link between urbanization & the globalization process
- Education -> prepare for the new tasks of the future
- Civil society -> open to non digitized society (low numeracy)
- Political challenge -> free access to media
- Big data not accessible to everybody. How to make sense -> develop applications
- Motivate people to participate : have fun, have an impact
- Help to understand problems and complex with narratives & simulations & games. People don’t understand all consequences.
- Tool -> participatory AB simulations
- Immediate application -> which ??? -> traffic settings, budgetary decisions, …
- Multiple, diverse languages & cultural models of participation
- Open knowledge systems, actors-sensors
- E-civic science, e-civic GSS
- Equity & redistribution (process & outcomes) -> participation is about improving equity
- Strengthening networks of networks
- GSS cannot address local diversity at global scale except if locals do it themselves -> let them do it
- Governance require violence regulation
- Internet is not a solution for all -> we need physical tools, robust and user friendly
- Experimenting governance -> way to address policy compliance, adoption, efficiency & collecting data
- Institutions for truth, pb of authority of science
- 2-level change processes & policy making