With the GSS-project “Vision” in mind i present a few notes on “Forests”. Looking for “… highly interconnected challenges, “system of systems”..” as framed under “Vision” on the project website, “Forests” provides a relevant and pertinent example from a professional network i wish to share.
The need for action arising from the analysis of issues under the heading of “Forests”, makes for a strong case to consider “… to support policy-making, public action and civic society to collectively engage in societal action …. ” by way of the provision of “scientific evidence”, referring to the framing of the “Vision”.
A specific case i am involved in supporting on a voluntary basis an initiative, relates to the following elements, elements of “REDD+” from the UN-REDD+-site on the one hand, and of ongoing processes of deforestation and resource exploitation in forest areas and the consequences for indigenous peoples on the other, brought together in the following three observations after the question described here:
“Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation” as a relevant and potentially significant contribution to global climate mitigation: can climate action as developed and defined in the framework of UN-REDD+ be reconciled with the rights of indigenous peoples?:
1. Sustainability at the global and local levels: is “convergence” in attaining objectives in the areas of climate, biodiversity and ecosystems, especially also water, and in the domain of the rights of indigenous peoples, achievable and feasible, and under what conditions, with the following two elements:
2. The example of a concrete and significant problem area, i.e. Ecuador, and of the initiative of Norway to finance a REDD+-programme in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru (proposed funding 150 million $).
3. The immediacy of action and of outcomes needed for the sake of indigenous peoples as a human rights issue is a key question to be addressed (see also “environmental democracy” as defined in the Aarhus Convention and the possible extension of the geographical scope of “Aarhus” to Latin America, as supported by 14 countries in the region).
I look forward to the opportunity to exchange views on the issue at the forthcoming project conference.
Gertjan Storm,
May 2013.
ps: UN-REDD.org the site with information about the concept of “REDD+”, of “multiple benefits” and about “anticipated future activities”.